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Bruce Trail Parents Learn About Kids' Personalities.

On Thursday May 24th, an interested and engaged group of parents from Bruce Trail Public School enjoyed Kate Jones' presentation entitled 'GPS for Navigating Your Kid's Personality'. Kate explained that there are four temperaments or personality types and that our kids are 'hard-wired' to behave and react in specific ways. How we encourage the strengths of each behaviour pattern is the key to successful parenting. This interactive workshop allowed parents to examine their own traits so that they could more effectively relate to their offspring.

This parent workshop was made possible with a Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant from the Ontario Ministry of Education. Parents from other Elementary Schools of Halton Board also attended the presentation. Participants also enjoyed a tasty dinner before the workshop prepared by local chef Ruby's Midnight Diner.

Ms. Newlands and Uzma Ali (PRO Grant Rep) with Kate Jones

Participants enjoying the interactive workshop

Ms Newlands and Uzma Ali (PRO) Grant Rep with Kate Jones.

Kate and Wayne's book 'Great Parents Skills (GPS) for navigating Your Kid's Personality' was available for sale at the event and can be ordered from their website



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